The Management of Elmet S.r.l. has adopted a Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 rules for the Manufacture of mechanical components in Metal, Special Leagues and Plastic Materials upon customer request carried out at the Piovene Rocchette establishment.

The purpose of Elmet S.r.l. QMS is to facilitate the Company mission expressed in the following statement:

Being a reference point for the technological evolution of its Customers

The QMS is also aimed at:

The behavior of all workers and the work rules must be inspired by the Policy of the Organization Quality

The Quality Policy consists of the following principles:

The policy expressed above is concretely applied through specific objectives formalized during the periodic reviews taken over and made their own, for the relevant parties, by the responsible staff.

The quality policy is verified annually in its adequacy, in light of any changes in circumstances and knowledge.

Throughout the production process the parts are checked by operators according to the specific control and pre-established at the end subjected to final inspection before delivery.

Our quality control makes use, in addition to the traditional measuring instruments such as calipers, micrometers, bore gauges, etc.. regularly checked and calibrated, including 1 altimeter Mahr, 1 altimeter brim and a three-dimensional measuring machine DEA.

All the components we produce can be delivered with the audit reports prepared by directly measuring machine.

To allow a correct tracking of particular products we are able to carry out the laser marking of all the pieces so as to have the correspondence with the respective reports of control and with the certificates of the starting material.

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